Galium densum
Hook.f.Scrambling or twining perennial; stems slender, mostly 15–60 cm long, usually glabrous or with minute retrorse prickles, sometimes with long spreading hairs. Leaves and stipules subsessile, unequal, in whorls of 4, narrow-elliptic or spathulate, 6–20 mm long, 2–5 mm wide, acute or acuminate, without terminal hair, upper surface glabrous or with scattered hairs, lower surface with hairs confined to midrib and margins; margins flat or narrowly recurved. Inflorescences 2–8-flowered, exceeding whorls when mature; peduncles 3–25 mm long; pedicels 1.5–8(–18) mm long. Corolla 2–3.8 mm diam., greenish-cream, sometimes tinged pinkish or purple-red abaxially. Fruit depressed-globose, 1–1.4 mm long; mericarps reniform, touching one another, rugose, blackish-brown, with tubercle-based, apically-hooked hairs. Flowers summer.
GleP, VVP, GipP, WaP, CVU, WPro, HSF, HNF, OtR, VAlp. Also SA, Tas. In moist areas in forest and riparian habitats, in near coastal areas of western Victoria extending east to Wilsons Promontory with more inland occurrences at Noojee and Mt Macedon.