Erect annual herb to 25 cm tall; stems branched, indumentum of a mixture of mostly spreading longer hairs with underlying shorter ascending and appressed hairs. Leaves palmately 5–7-foliolate; petioles 1–7 cm long; leaflets linear to linear-spathulate, 10–20 mm long, 1.7–4 mm wide, slightly grey green, upper surface generally glabrous or glabrescent, lower surface with scattered ascending hairs, margins with generally spreading to antrorse hairs, apex acute; stipules subulate, to 17 mm long. Inflorescence 1–2.5 cm long at anthesis, extending in fruit to 90 cm long; peduncle 3–5 cm long; flowers more or less whorled, unscented; pedicel 1.8–2.5 mm long; bract 4.2-4.5 mm long, deciduous. Calyx 3.5–4.5 mm long, silky, upper lip deeply 2-toothed, 3.5-3.7 mm long; lower lip longer, 4.2-4.5 mm long, shallowly 3-toothed. Standard 6 mm long, 4.3-4.7 mm wide, blue with a white centre with 2 longitudinal blue stripes. Pod 10–30 mm long, 3–6 mm wide, sessile, densely villous; seeds 3–6, ovoid, 3 mm long, smooth, brown with white or brown markings. (Description based on the two Victorian collections). Flowers Oct.-Dec.
The native range of this species is western Canada to north-western Mexico. In Australia, known only from two recent (2020 and 2023) collections from Cardinia Reservoir, where established in grassland dominated by introduced species.