Small to large perennial shrubs, spinescent (not in Victoria) or unarmed; stems and branches usually ribbed. Leaves alternate, palmately trifoliolate or simple; stipules small or absent. Flowers in axillary or terminal cluster, head or raceme; bracts and bracteoles variable, persistent; calyx campanulate, 5-toothed, 2-lipped, upper lip deeply 2-toothed, lower lip shallowly 3-toothed; petals yellow; standard ovate to broad-ovate; wings oblong; keel narrow-oblong, obtuse, slightly bent or straight; stamens monadelphous, connate into a closed tube, anthers alternately long and short; ovary sessile, style incurved abruptly near apex; stigma capitate or oblique; ovules 2 or more. Pod ovoid (not in Victoria) to linear-oblong and compressed, dehiscent or indehiscent; seeds 1–many, arillate (in Victoria) or exarillate.
About 75 species, from Europe, western Asia and northern Africa; 5 species naturalised in Australia.
Jeanes, J.A. (1996). Fabaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 663–829. Inkata Press, Melbourne.