Lathyrus latifolius
L. Everlasting PeaProstrate or climbing perennial herb; stems to c. 3 m long, glabrous or hairy, distinctly winged. Leaflets ovate to elliptic, 3–10 cm long, 5–40 mm wide, glabrous, apices obtuse, sometimes mucronate; tendrils usually 5 or more; petiole 2–5 cm long, winged; stipules lanceolate to ovate, semi-hastate, 1–5 cm long. Flowers 3–15 in racemes 15–25 cm long; pedicel 1–2 cm long; peduncle 5–20 cm long; bract filiform, 1–4 mm long, caducous; calyx 8–10 mm long, 5-veined, glabrous, teeth unequal, lowest tooth longest, upper ones more or less equal to tube; corolla 2–3 cm long, white to purple-pink; standard suborbicular. c. 30 mm wide; wings long-clawed; keel long-clawed, obtuse; style twisted. Pod sub-cylindric, 5–10 cm long, 6–10 mm wide, glabrous; seeds 7–15, c. 3–4 mm long, reticulate-rugose, grey-brown. Flowers Oct.–Feb.
Wim, VVP, Gold, CVU, EGL, HSF, HNF. Also naturalised WA, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Tas., New Zealand. Native to Europe. Recorded from several widely separated localities in Victoria.
Jeanes, J.A. (1996). Fabaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 663–829. Inkata Press, Melbourne.