Aromatic shrub 0.6–2 m high; branches ascending or rarely decumbent, sparingly pubescent to glandular-pubescent, with hairs longer and spreading at nodes. Leaves broadly ovate to ovate-elliptic, lamina 40–200 mm long, 35–135 mm wide, surfaces sparsely pubescent or glandular-hispidulous with honey-coloured sessile glands, apex obtuse to acute, margin regularly crenate to dentate with 8–40 pairs of teeth; petiole 10–65 mm long. Calyx 3–5 mm long (7–8 mm long in fruit); corolla 5–13 mm long, bluish-mauve, rarely pink or pale blue, purple-dotted on upper lip, tube decurved, lobes with sessile glands. Flowers most of the year.
GipP, HSF, OtR. Native to South Africa. Naturalised on disturbed roadsides near Apollo Bay, the southern Mornington Peninsula and in the Dandenongs.