Erect or spreading subshrub or shrub, 0.3–2 m high. Branches densely hairy between ridges and at nodes, otherwise glabrous; hairs antrorse, appressed; glands scattered and usually very sparse. Leaves sessile, very narrowly ovate or oblong, appearing c. linear because margin strongly revolute, (5–)8–15(–25) mm long, to 2 mm wide, mid-green, somewhat aromatic (when crushed), sessile, glabrous, rarely with an occasional minute hair, sparsely glandular, base subobtuse, margin entire, often strongly revolute, apex c. obtuse. Inflorescence leafy and panicle-like, part-inflorescences racemose, 8–24-flowered, often branched, leafy at base; bracteoles persistent, narrowly elliptic, 2–2.5 mm long, 0.4–0.6 mm wide. Calyx 4–5.5 mm long, tube 2–2.5 mm long, abaxial lobe 2–3 mm long; corolla deep mauve to purple with maroon dots, 7–10 mm long; anthers lacking basal appendage. Flowers spring.
GipP. Endemic in the Holey Hill-Dutson area (south of Sale), in heathy open-forest, usually on gravelly sand.