Lomandra leucocephala subsp. robusta
A.T.Lee Woolly Mat-rushTussocks generally robust. Leaves flat and rigid, 20–60 cm long, c. 1.5–5 mm wide, coarsely veined, greyish green; basal sheath gradually tapering distally, intact or torn; apex acute to rounded. Male and female inflorescences similar, composed of a continuous or of several interrupted spike-like cylindric clusters, unbranched, with flower clusters whorled, usually c. one-quarter to one-half as long as the leaves; non-flowering axis exposed or (1–)4–27 cm, laterally flattened; flower-bearing axis 2–25 cm long. Male and female flowers similar, sweetly scented, 3.5–8 mm long; pedicels 1–3 mm long (in male flowers) or c. 1 mm long (in female flowers), embedded among hairs of modified bracts, outer and inner perianth cream-coloured, up to 7 mm long. Flowers Mar.–Oct.
LoM, MuM, Wim, VRiv, RobP, MuF, WaP. Commonly growing on sandy rises in mallee and heathland communities.
Subsp. leucocephala is found only in Qld and north and central NSW. It differs from the more widespread subspecies robusta in having long-decurrent leaf-sheath margins that are white with abundant, silky or woolly fragments, and male inflorescences usually with 1 or 2 segments. Subsp. robusta has short leaf-sheath margins with few yellowish to orange-brown, woolly or fibrous fragments, and male infloresences usually with more than 3 segments.
Conn, B.J. (1994). Xanthorrhoeaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 2, Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons, pp. 720–734. Inkata Press, Melbourne.