Stenanthera conostephioides
Sond.Erect or spreading shrub 20–100(–150) cm high; branchlets finely pubescent. Leaves ascending to spreading, linear to lanceolate, 7–25 mm long, 0.8–2(–3) mm wide, mucronate, glabrous to scabrous-pubescent, convex, lower surface usually glaucous; margins flat to revolute, smooth to scabrous-ciliate. Flowers pendent, solitary; bracts, bracteoles and sepals brown to reddish-brown, obtuse to acuminate; bracts 0.5–10 mm long; bracteoles 6.3–15 mm long; sepals broadly elliptic, 7.7–18 mm long; corolla red; tube cylindric or broader at middle or above, 6.8–14 mm long, shorter than to slightly exceeding sepals, inside with 4 or 5 pubescent ridge-like outgrowths near base, glabrous to sparsely pubescent above; lobes triangular, 5–6.5 mm long, acute, pubescent externally, densely bearded inside toward tip; anthers exserted from corolla tube, style 10–19 mm long. Fruit ovoid, c. 9–11 mm long, green, tinged maroon. Flowers Mar.–Nov.
LoM, MuM, Wim, GleP, Brid, VVP, RobP, WaP, Gold, CVU, GGr, DunT, EGU. Also SA. Occurs in heathland, heathy woodland and mallee scrub on well-drained soils.
A few collections from scattered locations in the north-west of the State have densely scabrous-pubescent leaves.