Lathyrus nissolia
L.Slender annual herb; stems 30–90 cm long, erect or ascending, glabrous, not winged. Leaves reduced to grass-like phyllodes; phyllodes sessile, narrowly linear-lanceolate, 5–15 cm long, 2–6 mm wide, ± glabrous, apex acuminate; tendrils absent; stipules minute. Flowers 1 or 2, axillary; peduncle shorter than or equal to phyllodes; bract linear, 0.5–1 mm, deciduous; calyx 5–6 mm long, 5-veined, sparsely hairy, teeth subequal, shorter than tube; corolla 8–18 mm long, red or pink, white basally; standard suborbicular; wings with a narrow claw; keel beaked; style not twisted. Pod linear, 5–6 cm long, 4–4.5 mm wide, glabrous; seeds 6–20, 25–55 mm long, tuberculate, reddish brown. Flowers Oct.–Dec.
CVU. Native to Europe and the Mediterranean region, apparently naturalised near Woodend, growing in disturbed roadside vegetation in grassy woodland.