Cuscuta epilinum
WeiheStems pale yellow, cream or greenish. Inflorescence a compact axillary cluster to c. 10 mm diam., ebracteate. Flowers 5-merous; pedicels 0–0.5 mm long; calyx 1.8–2.5 mm long, lobes unequal, broad-ovate, overlapping, acute, much longer than tube; corolla 2.5–4 mm long, yellowish, lobes ovate-triangular, obtuse, shorter than tube; filaments 0.5–0.8 mm long, slightly longer than anthers; scales subtending stamens spathulate-truncate, shorter than corolla-tube, very shortly fringed; stigmas linear. Capsule subglobose, c. 2 mm diam., circumscissile; seeds c. 1 mm long. Flowers spring and summer.
Possibly native to SW Asia but uncertain as it is extensively naturalised. Known in Victoria by 2 old collections from near Melbourne and Ballarat. Usually parasitic on Linum usitatissimum (Flax).