Leucochrysum alpinum
(F.Muell.) R.J.Dennis & N.G.WalshPerennial, cottony herbs to c. 50 cm high, woody at base. Leaves whitish-cottony or -woolly. Capitula 2–5 cm diam., hemispherical, bracts reflexed in fruit; outer involucral bracts sessile, oblong or ovate, usually brownish or purplish; intermediate bracts with glandular-hairy claws to 6 mm long, laminae 6–15 mm long, yellow or white, base cottony; inner bracts with a shorter lamina and a scariously-winged claw. Cypselas c. obovoid, 2–3 mm long, obscurely angled, brown, smooth to c. warty; pappus bristles 14–20. Flowers Dec.–Feb.
HNF, VAlp. Restricted to higher peaks of the Victorian alps (e.g. Mts Bogong, Nelse, Hotham, Howitt, The Bluff), usually occurring in low heathland on shallow soils.
Short, P.S. (1999). Leucochrysum. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 789–792. Inkata Press, Melbourne.