Leptospermum grandifolium
Sm. Mountain TeatreeShrub or tree to c. 10 m high; bark papery, shedding in strips or flakes. Leaves narrowly ovate to elliptic, 10–35 mm long, 3–8 mm wide, glabrous on upper surface and silky on lower surface or silky on both surfaces, usually suberect; apex obtuse and with a small point, or acute to shortly acuminate, flat to recurved; margins flat to recurved. Flowers 12–17 mm diam.; hypanthium 3–4 mm long, villous, sessile; sepals triangular, 2–4 mm long, villous on outer surface, persisting on fruit; petals 4–7 mm long, white; ovary 5-locular, apex glabrous. Fruit broadly hemispherical, persistent, 6–8 mm diam., surface ultimately shedding in papery flakes, valves woody; seeds c. 2 mm long, with a linear-striate surface pattern. Flowers Dec.–Mar.
Wim, VVP, VRiv, GipP, CVU, GGr, NIS, EGL, EGU, HSF, HNF, Strz, MonT, HFE, VAlp. Also NSW, ACT. Grows along watercourses, in gullies and on sheltered slopes in montane forests usually above c. 750 m. .
Lyne, A. (1996). Leptospermum. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 1009–1019. Inkata Press, Melbourne.