Annual herb to 80 cm high. Leaves 1–3-pinnate; lamina 2.5–10 cm long, 1.5–6 cm wide; segments linear or narrow-lanceolate, 2–6 mm long, 1–2 mm wide; petiole 2–10 cm long. Umbels lateral; common peduncle 4–50 mm long; bracts 0–1; rays to 12 mm long; umbellules 1–3, 2–3-flowered; bracteoles 0–3; pedicels 2–5 mm long. Flowers bisexual, all fertile; anthers dark violet. Fruit rugose, shortly beaked, green or pale brown; mericarps 2–3 mm wide, style c. 0.2 mm long. Flowers spring.
Wim, GipP. Also naturalised NT, SA. Native to the Mediterranean region.
In Victoria naturalised around Pimpinio near Horsham in cultivated paddocks.