Nymphoides spinulosperma
Aston MarshwortPerennial; stems to 1.5 m long, floating, stoloniferous. Petioles of basal leaves 11.5–47 cm long; blades very broad-ovate or sometimes near-circular, (2.5–)4–9.5(–12) cm long, usually mildly crenate, sometimes entire, deeply cordate, upper surface often mottled green and maroon-brown, sometimes green only, typically with a small cyclamen-coloured spot at the point of petiole insertion. Flowers heterostylous, in spaced pairs along short inflorescence; calyx 7.5–11 mm long; corolla 24–42 mm diam., lobes 5, with broad laciniate wings, not keeled; stigmas 2. Capsule 7.5–11 mm long, c. equal to calyx; seeds ellipsoid, strongly laterally compressed, 1.1–1.5 mm long, black when mature, moderately densely covered with long fine tapered acute tubercles 6 or more times as long as wide; caruncle circular, prominent. Flowers and fruits mostly Nov.–Feb.
Wim. Also Qld, NSW. Known in Victoria only from seasonal to permanent freshwater swamps to 75 cm deep, dominated by Eragrostis infecunda, near St Arnaud and Apsley, at altitudes from 150–170 m.
Aston, H.I. (1999). Menyanthaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 380–385. Inkata Press, Melbourne.