Almaleea capitata
(J.H.Willis) Crisp & P.WestonSlender, trailing shrub; branches to 1 m long, stems appressed-pubescent. Leaves narrowly elliptic, 3–9 mm long, 0.5–1.5 mm wide; apex acute; upper surface glabrous; lower surface minutely scabrous and with sparse, pale hairs; stipules c. 1 mm long. Inflorescence a head of c. 4–10 flowers; bracts ovate, hairy, 1–1.25 mm long; calyx hairy, 5–6 mm long including pedicel 1.5–2 mm; bracteoles attached to pedicel 0.5–1 mm below calyx tube, narrowly lanceolate, c. 1 mm long, hairy; standard 5–7 mm wide; ovary and base of style densely hairy. Flowers Dec.
EGU, HSF, HNF, MonT, VAlp. Also NSW, ACT. Confined to a few damp to wet heathlands in the eastern subalps (e.g. Forlorn Hope Plain, Diggers Holes, Wonnangatta valley and near Mt Cobberas).
Jeanes, J.A. (1996). Fabaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 663–829. Inkata Press, Melbourne.