Tortella knightii
Autoicous. Dense tufts on soil, rocks or logs. Plants whitish-green or yellow-green. Stems simple or branched, 8–20 mm long. Leaves spreading when moist, crisped when dry, linear-lanceolate from a widened oblong base, 2.75–3.5 mm long; apex finely acuminate; costa excurrent in a mucro; margin entire, undulate, incurved, especially toward apex; laminal cells in the apical half rounded or subquadrate, isodiametric, 7–8 μm wide, papillose; basal cells rectangular or rhomboid, hyaline, forming a large area sharply contrasting with cells in apical half, obliquely continued higher up margin than costa. Seta 10–17.5 mm long, reddish at base becoming yellow toward capsule. Capsule erect, narrowly cylindric or ellipsoid, 2–2.5 mm long, straight or slightly curved. Peristome of 16 teeth, divided to basal membrane, reddish or brown, spirally twisted, nearly 1 mm high. Operculum rostrate, 1–1.5 mm long.
MuM, OtR. Rarely recorded from woodland in western Victoria. Also QLD, NSW, Tas and possibly WA. New Zealand.