Perennial, dioecious herbs. Rhizomes creeping. Stems yellowish-green, thin and wiry, unbranched, slightly flexuose. Leaves reduced to very deciduous sheathing bracts leaving distinct dark annular scars. Male and female inflorescences dissimilar; male inflorescence subglobular; female inflorescence cylindric. Male spikelets terminal, solitary, many-flowered and subtended by a few glume-like floral bracts. Male flowers subtended by 1 glume-like floral bract, with 5 or 6 membranous (glume-like) perianth parts. Female spikelets in distal axils of leaves, sessile, solitary, 1- or 2-flowered and subtended by 1–3 glume-like floral bracts. Female flowers with 3–6 perianth parts; staminodes absent; ovary unilocular; style unbranched. Fruit a small ovoid nut.
9 species endemic in Australia; 1 species in Victoria.
Conn, B.J. (1994). Restionaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 2, Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons, pp. 179–190. Inkata Press, Melbourne.