Low, decumbent or mat-forming shrub; stems terete, hairy when young. Leaves alternate, obovate, 3–8 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide; apex obtuse; upper surface glabrous, paler than lower; lower surface minutely tuberculate, with scattered, pale hairs; margin incurved; stipules 1.5–2 mm long, united for c. half their length, closely appressed to stem. Flowers axillary, clustered at tips of branches, occasionally head-like; bracts absent; stipules of floral leaves much enlarged, light brown, papery; calyx 5–7 mm long, tube glabrous, lobes tapered to slender, acute tips, bristly; bracteoles attached at base of calyx tube and almost enveloping it, 3-lobed at apex, 3–5 mm long, central lobe linear, hairy, outer lobes broad, papery, glabrous, with ciliate margins; standard 6–7 mm wide; ovary glabrous except for small tuft of hairs at summit, lower half of style sparsely hairy. Pod ovate, glabrous except for sparse hairs at apex. Flowers Dec.–Jan.
EGU, HNF, MonT, VAlp. Also NSW. Confined to a few areas near the New South Wales border in the Benambra and Wulgulmerang areas. Occurs amongst grasses and herbs in dry open-forest.