Drosera gunniana
(Planch.) de SalasTuberous perennial. Tuber globose to ovoid, typically pink or red at maturity. Stem erect, to 30 cm tall, simple or branched from upper nodes, sometimes basally branching but with one clearly dominant stem, glabrous, green to red, often suffused red close to base. Basal rosette of leaves usually moderately well-developed at anthesis, petiole flattened, 3–14 mm long, lamina 5–10 mm diam., sub-orbicular-lunate, not peltate, yellow to green. Cauline leaves astipulate, lowermost leaves somtimes reduced to a petiole bearing a minute, unexpanded lamina, otherwise with an expanded lamina borne on a petiole 7–10 mm long, lamina lunate, auriculate and peltate, 5–6 mm diam. Inflorescence a terminal or subterminal scorpioid cyme subtended by several vegetative internodes, branching or unbranched; bracts lanceolate, fimbriate, hairy; sepals 5, green to blackish, ovate, apex truncate, 3–5 mm long and wide, margins fimbriate, indumentum dense, 0.8–1.2 mm long; petals pink or white, 5–8 mm long, obovate; seeds black, ellipsoid-ampulliform with a short neck, 0.5 mm long, c. 0.25 mm wide, seed testa reticulate. Flowers Sep.–Nov., summer dormant.
Wim, VRiv, GipP, Gold, CVU, GGr, NIS, EGU, HSF, HNF, VAlp. Also NSW, SA, Tas. Woodland, grassy woodland and extending onto open, grassy habitats such as lawns at low to mid elevations.
One of four closely allied species in the Drosera peltata complex, comprising D. peltata, D. auriculata, D. hookeri and D. gunniana. The name D. peltata has often been misapplied to this taxon, which is widespread across south-eastern mainland Australia and Tasmania. It was also formerly included within a broader circumscription of D. hookeri by certain authorities. Drosera gunniana can be challenging to distinguish from D. peltata when not in flower since it can produce branched or unbranched stems (vs. unbranched in D. peltata), and while its basal rosette leaves appear to be uniformly yellowish green (vs. red in D. peltata), the occurrence of entirely green D. peltata in parts of that species' range can confound accurate identification.