Perennial herbs, rhizome slender, glabrous. Leaves in basal rosette, circular-cordate or reniform, with 5–9 irregular, short, more or less crenulate lobes, petiolate, stipulate. Inflorescence a simple umbel; bracts fused at base, lobed. Flowers bisexual; sepals ovate, minute; petals ovate, caducous; nectary low-conical. Fruit flattened dorsally, deeply constricted between mericarps; mericarps smooth with inconspicuous ribs; carpophore not persistent.
A monotypic genus endemic to alpine areas of south-eastern Australia.
Duretto, M.F. (1999). Apiaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 256–258. Inkata Press, Melbourne.