Herbs or shrubs, annual or perennial. Leaves alternate, palmately 3–7-foliolate (3-foliolate in Victoria), 1-foliate, or simple; stipules present. Inflorescence usually a terminal or leaf-opposed raceme; bracts and bracteoles variable; calyx 5-toothed, teeth ± equal, upper teeth sometimes fused to lateral ones; petals usually yellow; standard orbicular or ovate, with 2 basal appendages; wings oblong to narrowly elliptic; keel rounded or angled upwards, usually prominently beaked; stamens monadelphous, sheath split on upper side, anthers alternately long and basifixed and short and dorsifixed; ovary stipitate or sessile, style incurved, usually bearded above, stigma terminal; ovules 2–many. Pod oblong to spherical, often inflated, dehiscent; seeds 1–many, reniform.
About 700 species, pantropical, mainly from tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, 37 species in Australia (22 native).