Spreading or erect shrub to c. 1 m high; branches often obscurely pubescent, tuberculate. Leaves alternate, clustered and overlapping, ovate, obovate or orbicular, mostly 4–8 mm long, 2–7 mm wide, glabrous or pubescent along margins or lower surface, wrinkled below, thickish, decurved, obtuse, sometimes mucronate, margins entire. Inflorescences 1-flowered. Flowers zygomorphic, subsessile; sepals lanceolate to triangular, 3–5 mm long, acuminate, imbricate, glabrous outside, green; corolla 5.5–10.5 mm long, glabrous outside, villous inside tube, lilac or white, spotted, upper lip 2-lobed; stamens 4, 2 included, 2 slightly exserted, anthers reniform; ovary glabrous, style glabrous. Fruit ovoid, 2–3 mm long, 1.5–2.5 mm diam., succulent, glabrous. Flowers mostly spring (throughout the year).
LoM, MuM, Wim. Also SA. In Victoria confined to the north-west where found in mallee scrub on dunes or in swales. .