B.Nord.Annual or perennial (sometimes short-lived) herbs or shrubs; glabrous or nearly so. Leaves alternate, sessile or petiolate, often amplexicaul, toothed. Inflorescence corymose, of several, pedunculate capitula; peduncles hollow below capitula (in Victorian species at least). Capitula radiate, with marginal, ligulate female florets and disc florets tubular and bisexual. Involucre mroe or less campanulate; bracts uniseriate, equal, with a few much shorter bracteoles encircling the base. Ligulate florets, uniseriate, yellow, style arms linear, truncate or pointed apically; disc florets yellow, 5-lobed, anthers obtuse, acute or shortly tailed at base, with an ovate to triangular apical appendage. Cypselas mostly c. cylindric, glabrous, ribbed; pappus of a series of smooth to barbellate bristles, persistent on the thickened rim of the cypsela.
A wholly Australian genus of 4 species, one, L. insularis, restricted to Lord Howe Island.