Prasophyllum uvidulum
D.L.Jones & D.T.RouseFlowering stem 20–35 cm tall. Leaf-blade to 20 cm long, 2–3 mm diam. at base, pale to dark green, apex lax, often withered at flowering. Flowers 12–25, fragrant, pale green with reddish markings, subsessile in an open spike 8–12 cm long; ovary obovoid, 4–5 mm long, green with reddish ridges, about 30 deg. to the rachis; sepals 6–9 mm long, dorsal sepal ovate-lanceolate, lateral sepals free, linear-lanceolate, nearly parallel, erect to slightly recurved distally; petals 6–7 mm long, linear to linear-lanceolate, apex subacute. Labellum ovate, 6–7 mm long, white, pinkish or mauve, recurved at right angles just past the middle; base not pouched, margins flared, entire or slightly irregular; apex triangular, acute, margins slightly irregular; callus plate much-raised, narrowly channelled, extending about half way to labellum apex, dark green, shiny. Column appendages linear-oblong, c. 2 mm long, obtuse. Flowers Dec.–Jan.
NIS, HNF. Known from a single locality near Shelley in north-eastern Victoria where found in moist seepage areas among grass in tall montane forest. Soil is a heavy grey-brown clay loam.
Prasophyllum uvidulum is known from a single colony of about 20 plants and must be regarded as critically endangered.