Corunastylis ciliata
(Ewart & B.Rees) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.Flowering plants 10–15 cm tall. Leaf lamina appressed to the peduncle below the lowest flower. Inflorescence 0.5–3 cm long, sparse. Flowers 1–15, porrect, green to yellowish green with pale purplish bands and reddish purple labellum, 4–5 mm across; perianth segments spreading widely; dorsal sepal ovate, 3.5–4.5 mm long, c. 2.5 mm wide, margins entire, apex acuminate; lateral sepals divergent, linear-lanceolate, 4.5–5.5 mm long, c. 1 mm wide, slightly pouched at the base, with or without a terminal gland; petals narrowly ovate-lanceolate, c. 4 mm long, c. 1.5 mm wide, margins entire, apex acuminate. Labellum broadly elliptic-obovate, 3–4 mm long, 2–3 mm wide, margins with a few coarse cilia to 0.5 mm long, apex acuminate, recurved; callus linear-tapered, extending to the labellum apex. Column wings sparsely scabrous. Flowers Feb.–Apr.
Wim, VVP, GipP, OtP, WaP, Gold, CVU, GGr, DunT, HSF. Mostly in the west of the State, growing in heathland, grassy woodland and open forest in well-drained soil.
Previously included with C. archeri, but distinguished by its smaller stature, fewer, more upright flowers and very sparsely hairy labellum. The contrast between the greenish petals and sepals and the reddish labellum is also distinctive.
Jones, D.L. (1994). Genoplesium. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 2, Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons, pp. 886–893. Inkata Press, Melbourne.