Galium polyanthum
I.Thomps.Trailing to semi-erect perennial; stems slender, mostly 15–60 cm long, with dense slender hairs to 0.8 mm long. Leaves and stipules subsessile, subequal below inflorescences, stipules decreasing in length upwards, in whorls of 4, narrow-elliptic or linear-elliptic, 3–25 mm long, 1–6 mm wide, acute or slightly obtuse with terminal hair occasionally present, upper surface with clear slender hairs, abaxial surface with clear slender hairs on midrib and occasionally elsewhere; margins recurved or revolute, with clear slender hairs. Inflorescences (2–)3–30-flowered, exceeding whorls when mature; peduncles 2–15 mm long; pedicels 1–6 mm long. Corolla 1.8–2.5(–3) mm diam., greenish-cream or cream, sometimes red abaxially. Fruit depressed-globose, 1.0–1.1 mm long; mericarps reniform, touching one another, dark brown, rugose, glabrous. Flowers mid-spring–summer.
VRiv, GipP, NIS, EGL, EGU, HSF, HNF, MonT, VAlp. Also NSW, ACT. Throughout forests of the east, often among rocks.