Cymbopogon obtectus
S.T.Blake Silky-headsTufted, lemon-scented perennial, culms to c. 1 m high. Leaf-blades flat or slightly channelled, to 40 cm long and 4 mm wide, glabrous; sheaths of lower leaves often with some short, woolly hairs; ligules glabrous, 2–5 mm long. Inflorescence dense, to c. 15 cm long, densely silky-hairy; racemes 1.5–2.5 cm long, about as long as the subtending spathes, usually deflexed at maturity; glumes of fertile spikelet c. 5 mm long, the lower flat, the upper keeled; sterile lemma c. 4 mm long, thinner than glumes; fertile lemma c. 3 mm long, hyaline, with a fine awn c. 5 mm long attached between the 2 apical lobes; sterile spikelet of 2 empty glumes, resembling, but thinner than, fertile spikelet. Flowers all year.
MuM, VVP, MuF, GipP. All mainland states. Extremely rare in Victoria, where known from a few pre-1900 collections (Dimboola, 'Mallee' and 'Murray River'), a 1969 collection from near Tocumwal and a 2006 collection from a rail reserve near Werribee where presumed naturalised. The 'nativeness' in Victoria of this common species of northern Australia is questionable, with early introduction via stock or fodder being possible. It does not appear to have persisted at any of the previous recorded sites. It is sometimes cultivated for ornament and use as a native 'lemon grass'.
Walsh, N.G. (1994). Poaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 2, Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons, pp. 356–627. Inkata Press, Melbourne.