Shrubs; branchlets puberulent to pilose. Leaves shortly petiolate, discolorous, lower surface ± glaucous with unbranched or branching subparallel veins. Flowers bisexual, in sessile to shortly pedunculate axillary spikes (terminated by a rudimentary bud), occurring on previous season's or older wood; base of spike with sterile bracts; each flower subtended by a bract and 2 bracteoles inserted immediately below the sepals; bracts, bracteoles and sepals ovate to almost orbicular, obtuse; corolla 5-partite; tube inflated about the middle, with 5 tufts of hairs spreading across the throat, glabrous below, filled with nectar; lobes triangular, valvate in bud, spreading, glabrous to papillose except for a subterminal comb-like tuft of erect hairs; anthers oblong, exserted from corolla tube and reflexed between lobes; filaments slender, adnate to corolla tube; nectary annular, ± lobed; ovary glabrous to puberulent, 2–7-locular, with 1 ovule per locule, style glabrous, short, stigma lobed. Fruit a drupe, with fleshy mesocarp and a hard endocarp sometimes separating into pyrenes.
Endemic Australian genus of 14 species, occurring in all States except Northern Territory.
Albrecht, D.E. (1996). Epacridaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 464–509. Inkata Press, Melbourne.