Grevillea callichlaena
Molyneux & Stajsic Mt Benambra GrevilleaSpreading shrub 1.5–1.8(–3) m high, 2–3.5(–4) wide. Branchlets densely subvillous. Leaves entire, ovate, elliptic, broadly-elliptic or broadly lanceolate, narrow obovate to obovate, (26–)37-75(–92) mm long, (12–)19–28(–43) mm wide; upper surface granulose (persistent hair bases), dull, mid-green; margins rolled downward or shortly recurved; lower surface loosely subvillous, lateral veins conspicuous, reticulum conspicuous. Conflorescences terminal, rarely subcauline, decurved to pendulous, simple to 2-branched. Primary peduncles (4–)5–22(–35) mm long, indumentum very densely subvillous; floral rachises (5–)35–50(–65) mm long. Limb of flower buds globose in side view, round face-on, apex obtuse. Limb-segments of tepals (mature pre-anthesis flowers) not keeled along external midline. Dorsal tepals 20.5–22 mm long, 1.9–2.5 mm wide, monochromatic. Perianth outer surface (below limb) red, without central yellow or orange blotch, densely subvillous, epidermis not or only partially visible; perianth inner surface densely bearded near base. Pistil 19.5–22 mm long, ovary stipitate, with occasional, minute, patent, whitish hairs, style red; face of pollen strongly oblique to style, flat to slightly convex. Fruits glabrous or with scattered, minute, patent, whitish hairs when young. Flowers Oct.- Mar., but in the absence of snow can occur sporadically throughout the year. Flowers Oct.- Mar., but in the absence of snow can occur sporadically throughout the year.
Wim, VAlp. A narrow endemic, known only from two localised populations at Mt Benambra. Grows among boulders in Eucalyptus pauciflora woodland.
Subsequent to the description of the species in 2005, it has been observed in the cultivated plants grown at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, that the ovaries have occasional minute, patent, whitish hairs. This character has only been previously observed in Grevillea victoriae subsp. brindabella, and recently in Grevillea burrowa. It is unknown how constant this character is between plants in the population. The hairs are difficult to observe in dried specimens.
Stajsic, V.; Molyneux, W.M. (2006). Taxonomic studies in the Grevillea victoriae F.Muell. species complex (Proteaceae: Grevilleoideae) I. Descriptions of nine previously segregated, and three new taxa.. Muelleria 22: 22–76.