Cuscuta australis
R.Br. Australian DodderStems pale yellow to brown. Inflorescence a compact axillary cluster to c. 7 mm diam., subtended by an acute bract 2–3 mm long. Flowers 5-merous; pedicels 0–2.5 mm long; calyx c. 1.5 mm long, lobes unequal, ovate-orbicular, obtuse, c. equal to tube; corolla c. 2 mm long, white, lobes triangular-ovate, obtuse, shorter than or equal to tube; filaments 0.5–0.8 mm long, c. as long as or longer than anthers; scales subtending stamens oblong, deeply bifid, shorter than corolla-tube, sparsely fringed; stigmas capitate. Capsule more or less globose, 2–4 mm diam., not circumscissile; seeds c. 1.5 mm long. Flowers mainly summer.
VVP, VRiv, MuF, GipP, OtP, CVU, NIS, HSF, HNF, VAlp. Also Qld, NSW. Scattered mainly across northern Victoria, usually parasitic on native and naturalised Polygonaceae especially Persicaria, but also recorded on Alternanthera denticulata.
Jeanes, J.A. (1999). Cuscutaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 375–379. Inkata Press, Melbourne.