Caladenia turneri
KoskyFlowering plant 10–35 cm tall. Leaf 8–20 cm long, 4–8 mm wide. Flower 1, rarely 2, 3.5–5 cm diam.; perianth segments overall pale yellow to pink, rarely entirely yellow-green; sepals usually red-veined, 2–3.5 cm long, 2–3 mm wide at base, tapering toward tip, terminated by clubs 6–12 mm long, with densely packed dark red, globose to spherical, sessile glands; dorsal sepal erect or curved forwards; lateral sepals divergent, stiffly deflexed; petals resembling lateral sepals, but smaller, 1.5–2.5 cm long, occasionally with slender clubs to 7 mm long that are less densely glandular than those of sepals. Labellum curved forward with apex recurved and lateral lobes curved upwards, lamina ovate, obscurely 3-lobed, 9–12 mm long and 6–9 mm wide (when flattened), glossy dark red distally, pale yellow to pink towards the base, sometimes with red radial branching stripes; lateral lobes entire around curved base, then with 9–14 pairs of marginal calli from the broadest part to c. midway between that point and the tip; teeth linear, to c. 1.3 mm long, diminishing in size distally, labellum tip entire or occasionally irregularly shallowly toothed; lamina calli in 4 rows, dark red, extending about half way to labellum apex or beyond, scimitar- or foot-shaped, to 1.5 mm long at base of lamina, decreasing in size towards apex. Flowers Sep.–Oct.
HSF. Very rare (fewer than 100 plants) and apparently confined to the upper catchment of Freestone Ck, north of Briagolong, where occurring in dry to damp shrubby forest.
Close to C. montana which is generally larger in stature and floral dimensions and has a labellum with more marginal teeth.