Rytidosperma monticola
(Vickery) Connor & EdgarCompact tufted perennial. Culms to 45 cm high. Leaves usually with short, scattered hairs; blade fine, inrolled, to 8(–15) cm long and 0.5(–0.8) mm diam. Panicle ovate, often secund, 2–5 cm long. Spikelets often purplish-tinted, 4–6-flowered; glumes subequal, acuminate, 6.5–11 mm long; lemma rather broad, 1.5–3 mm long, with 2 rows of hairs, the lower 0.5–1 mm above the callus tuft, and shortly overlapping the base of the upper row, the hairs of which are about equal to the top of the twisted part of the central awn; lateral lobes erect or slightly spreading, 6–8 mm long, tapered evenly to the rather abruptly tapered to the setae which are about as long as the flat part; central awn subequal to or up to 4 mm longer than lateral lobes; palea obovate, about 3 times as long as wide, the keels shortly ciliate, the body glabrous or pubescent between them, exceeding sinus by about 1 mm. Flowers Sep.–Dec.
Wim, VVP, VRiv, Gold, CVU, GGr, NIS, EGL, EGU, HNF, MonT, VAlp. Also NSW, ACT. Mostly in dryish grassy woodland, chiefly through central and north-eastern Victoria (e.g. Ararat, Warby Range), but with isolated occurrences in the far east (e.g. Mt Delegate, upper Genoa R), but rather rare in Victoria.