Simple or branching, ascending to erect cottony annuals. Leaves mainly alternate but lowermost pairs opposite, sessile, entire. Inflorescence of compound heads with shortly pedunculate capitula scattered along a hairy, stem-like axis; bracts subtending compound heads inconspicuous, leaf-like or resembling the capitular bracts. Capitula discoid, homogamous; capitular bracts 8–10, c. biseriate, usually hyaline except for the midrib, margins entire or somewhat ciliate and usually with long hairs which unite the bracts; florets 1–3 per capitulum, bisexual; corolla tubular, (4–)5-lobed, yellow or the lobes purplish-black; style branches truncate; stamens (4–)5, anthers tailed. Cypselas homomorphic, covered in mucilage-producing cells. Pappus of 7–10 irregularly long-ciliate bristles forming an irregular cup at the base.
2 species, both endemic in Australia, 1 restricted to WA.
Short, P.S. (1999). Blennospora. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 809–809. Inkata Press, Melbourne.