Melaleuca hypericifolia
Sm.Dense shrub 1–6 m high; bark hard or somewhat papery; branchlets initially pilose, soon glabrescent. Leaves decussate, narrowly elliptic to obovate, 1–4 cm long, 4–10 mm wide, flat or biconvex, obtuse or acute, soon glabrescent, appearing 1- to faintly 3-veined, oil glands distinct below; petiole c. 1 mm long. Inflorescence a dense many-flowered spike, 3–5 cm long, c. 6 cm wide, borne on short, often leafless lateral shoots; axis pubescent, growing on into a leafy shoot. Flowers 1 per bract; bracts ovate to triangular, to 10 mm long; stamens 16–25 per bundle, red, claw 8–17 mm long, free part of filaments c. 10–16 mm long. Capsules 5–7 mm long, up to 10 mm wide, with persistent sepals. Flowers Sep.–May
MuM, VVP, GipP, OtP, CVU, DunT, EGL, HSF, OtR, Strz. Also naturalised in SA. Native to the southern and central coast of New South Wales, commonly cultivated, spreading from planted individuals into surrounding (often disturbed and weedy) vegetation in southern Victoria.