Erect annual herb or shrub to 3 m high; stems striate, becoming glabrescent. Leaves 3–20 cm long; leaflets usually of 11–30 pairs, narrowly oblong, 7–20 mm long, 2–4 mm wide, discolourous, mucronate; petiole 1–10 mm long. Raceme 1–5-flowered; peduncle 5–40 mm long; pedicles 3–6 mm long; calyx 3–6 mm long, lobes triangular, shorter than tube; standard yellow, usually steaked or spotted purple, 9–12 mm long. Pod 12–20 cm long, 2–3 mm diam., terete, sessile, ± straight or curved; seeds c. 20–40, flattened-oblong, 3–4 mm long, brown or olive-brown. Flowers May (2 records).
MuM, RobP. NT, SA (native and doubtfully naturalised), Qld, NSW. Known in Victoria from two collections near Red Cliffs, growing in floodplain woodland on heavy clay.