Perennial trailing or prostrate herbs or subshrubs; stems slender, climbing or procumbent, pliable-woody at base, pubescent or villous. Leaves alternate, pinnately trifoliolate, rarely 1- or 5-foliolate; stipules persistent; stipellae small. Inflorescences axillary, pedunculate, racemose, umbellate, or in 3s, pairs or solitary. Flowers large and showy, red or purplish (in Victoria), blue, violet or almost black; bracts stipule-like and persistent or small and caducous; bracteoles absent; calyx campanulate (in Victoria) or tubular, teeth 5, about as long as tube, upper 2 fused except at apex; standard obovate to more or less orbicular, clavate, often with calli and auricles; wings falcate; keel incurved; stamens diadelphous, upper stamen free, lower 9 connate into an open sheath, anthers equal; ovary with several ovules, style filiform, beardless, stigma terminal. Pod oblong, compressed or cylindric, dehiscent; seeds arillate.