Grindelia squarrosa
(Pursh) DunalErect glabrous biennial or perennial herb or subshrub to 1 m high; stems whitish, straw-coloured, reddish or greyish. Leaves cauline, elliptic, ovate, obovate, or oblong to spathulate, oblanceolate, lanceolate, or linear, (10–)15–70 mm long, 4–20 mm wide, gland-dotted, resinous; margins crenate to serrate, rarely entire; base amplexicaul; apex obtuse to acute. Capitula usually radiate, in corymbs or rarely solitary; involucre broadly urceolate to hemispherical or globose, 6–11 mm long; involucral bracts 5–6 seriate, reflexed to spreading or appressed, filiform or linear to lanceolate-linear, resinous, usually looped or hooked at apex; ray florets absent or (12–)24–36(–40), ligules 8–14 mm long, yellow; disc florets numerous, yellow. Cypselas oblong, 1.5–4.5 mm long, whitish, grey, straw-coloured or brown; pappus of 2–3(–8) straight to curled, smooth to barbellate, subulate scales or awns, 2.5–5.5 mm long. Recorded flowering in February in Victoria.
Native to North America. In Victoria known from collections made over 100 years ago from near Dimboola, Tatura and Kerang.