Schmidt-Leb.Perennial rhizomatous or stoloniferous herbs. Leaves alternate, rosetted or densely clustered at base, sessile or pseudopetiolate. Inflorescences of one or few capitula on erect scapes; scapes with a few reduced leaves or leaf-like bracts. Calycular bracts present. Involucral bracts in one row, more or less equal. Both female ray and bisexual disc florets present. Rays well-developed, yellow or white. Cypselas more or less cylindrical, glabrous; pappus of a series of barbellate bristles, persistent.
Also NSW, Tas.
A mostly alpine or subalpine genus of 5 species, all but one restricted to Tasmania. Recently separated from Senecio (Schmidt-Lebuhn et al. 2020) largely on molecular evidence, but differing (at least from Australian members) in the scapose habit and basal rosetted leaves.

Schmidt-Lebuhn, A.N., Zeil-Rolfe, I., Lepschi; B. Gooden, B. (2020). Expansion ofLordhowea, and a new genus for scapose, alpineAustralian species of Senecioneae (Asteraceae). Taxon 69(4): 756–777.