Acaulon granulosum
I.G.StoneDioicous or monoicous. Plants simple, 1.5–2 mm tall, pale yellowish green to brown. Leaves broadly ovate, concave; inner leaves larger than outer, convolute, orbicular; apex cuspidate, recurved; costa weak, usually excurrent as a recurved arista; margin entire toward base, irregularly crenulated or dentate toward apex; laminal cells 30–60 μm long, 15–25 μm wide with narrower rhombic to oblong-rhombic or irregularly hexagonal marginal cells. Seta 0.09–0.12 mm long, straight. Capsules globose, c. 0.6 mm wide, apiculate, ferrugineous to dark brown. Spores spherical or short-ellipsoidal, very coarsely granular, 50–65 μm diam.
MuM, Wim, RobP, MuF, Gold, GGr. On open bare soil on roadsides, town centres, under woodland or mallee or beside salt lakes or waterways north-west of the Great Dividing Range. Also WA.