Billardiera cymosa subsp. pseudocymosa
(Klatt) L.Cayzer & CrispLeaves glabrous or with scattered hairs below. Flowers in lax cymes; peduncles often becoming glabrous basally; ovary glabrous, rarely with a few scattered hairs towards the apex, style (1–)2(–3) mm long. Flowers Sep.–Dec.
LoM, MuM, RobP, GipP. Also SA. Largely restricted to mallee vegetation in far north-western Victoria from Wyperfeld to Mildura, with isolated occurrences in the Little Desert.
Identical to Billardiera cymosa subsp. cymosa in practically all aspects, except the ovary is glabrous rather than densely villous. May also be distinguished from subspecies cymosa by the generally longer style (relative to the length of the ovary). The recognition of these subspecies is questionable. Style length is not consistently longer in plants with glabrous ovaries, and ovary indumentum can range from densely villous, glabrous except for a dense tuft of hair at the apex, ovary with a few scattered hairs, or ovary completely glabrous. Plants with glabrous ovaries tend to occur further north. However, glabrous and hairy forms occur in the Wimmera region and Wyperfeld, and intermediate forms with partially hairy ovaries also occur in these areas.
Cayzer, L.W.; Crisp, M.D.; Telford, I.R.H. (2004). Cladistic analysis and revision of Billardiera (Pittosporaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 17(1): 83–125.