Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
(L.) G.L.Nesom Michaelmas DaisyRhizomatous perennial; stems erect, to c. 1 m high, glabrous or antrorsely scabrous-pubescent in narrow lines; narrowly branched near apex. Leaves alternate, soon deciduous from basal parts, narrowly lanceolate to oblanceolate, 2–15 cm long, 3–15 mm wide; bases narrowly stem-clasping; margin entire to distantly short-toothed, antrorsely scabrous; surfaces glabrous or with scattered antrorse bristles. Inflorescence narrowly paniculate; involucral bracts suberect to spreading, unequal, in 3–5 irregular series, linear, 2.5–6 mm long, acute, green, sometimes purple-tipped, margins whitish; ligulate florets in 1 series, 2–3.5 times as long as involucre, pale to deep mauve or bluish, fewer than tubular florets. Cypselas narrowly elliptic, c. 2 mm long, obscurely 4-angled, shortly and sparsely appressed-pubescent; pappus bristles in 1 series, 4–6 mm long. Flowers Mar.–Apr.
VVP, GipP, CVU, HSF, HNF. NSW, ACT, Tas. Native to north-eastern USA and Canada. A garden-escape that has become established in a few cool, well-watered to swampy areas (e.g. Mt Beauty, Mirimbah, Noojee, Dandenong Range).