Leaves usually bluish or grey-green; sheath of distal 2–4 leaves distinctly auriculate; lamina up to 200 cm long, 0.5–1.5 cm wide. Male part and female part of inflorescence not separated or separated by up to 3.5 cm. Pollen shed as single grains. Female part of inflorescence 8–30 cm long,10–30 mm diam., chestnut-brown; floral bracts absent or few and narrowly spathulate; stigma narrowly ovate or narrowly obovate, often folded longitudinally. Flowers Jul.–Dec.(–Mar).
MuM, Wim, GleP, Brid, VVP, VRiv, MSB, RobP, MuF, GipP, OtP, WaP, Gold, CVU, DunT, NIS, EGL, EGU, WPro, HSF, HNF, OtR, Strz, VAlp. All States. Malesia, Norfolk Island, New Zealand. Occurs in similar situations to, and largely coextensive with, T. domingensis.