Galium bulliformis
I.Thomps.Prostrate to scandent perennial; stems slender, mostly 10–30 cm long, with tiny, strongly retrorse prickles, occasionally with slender hairs to c. 0.6 mm long. Leaves and stipules sessile, subequal below inflorecences, stipules decreasing in length upwards to c. two thirds of the leaf length, in whorls of 4 or rarely 5, narrow-elliptic, 3–25 mm long, 1.5–7 mm wide, acute, commonly with a terminal hair, upper surface with scattered flattened clear triangular prickles, lower surface glabrous except for few flattened clear triangular prickles along midrib; margins mostly recurved or narrowly-revolute. Inflorecences (1–)2–6-flowered, mostly exceeding whorls when mature; peduncles 1–6 mm long; pedicels to 1 mm long. Corolla 1–1.5 mm diam., greenish-cream, sometimes tinged purple-red abaxially. Fruit globose, 1.1–1.6 mm long; mericarps ellipsoid or reniform, touching one another, rugose, brown, glabrous. Flowers mostly spring–summer.
Also SA. A single (1945) Victorian specimen, tentatively referred to this species, is known from 'dry grassland' near Tatura. If the identity is correct, the specimen is regarded as representing a transient introduction, perhaps with stock or fodder.