Funaria microstoma
Bruch ex Schimp.Turves or tufts on soil. Stems to 4–6 mm long, simple or with basal branches, red-brown. Leaves broadly oblong-ovate to obovate, 2–2.5 mm long, c. 1.5 mm wide, concave adaxially, little altered to contorted when dry, crowded toward stem apices; costa subpercurrent to percurrent; margins entire or weakly serrulate toward apex, erect; apex narrowly acuminate; laminal cells irregularly hexagonal or rectangular, mostly 150–200 μm long, 60–80 μm wide, longer at base. Seta to 10 mm long, arcuate when moist, flexuose, twisted when dry and old, strongly hygroscopic, red or pale orange-brown. Capsule narrowly pyriform, strongly asymmetric, inclined, curved, 1.5–2 mm long. Operculum low conic, c. 0.3 mm diameter. Spores 23–30 μm diameter.
LoM, MuM, Wim, VVP, RobP, GipP, WPro. Mostly from the edges of saline lakes and depressions in the Wimmera and far north-west, but with a few records from near coastal waterways with brackish water and possibly more widespread along coasts but overlooked for the common F. hygrometrica Hedw. Also WA, SA and NSW. Temperate regions of the world.