Hennediella stanfordensis
Dioicous. Loose cushions or turfs. Plants to 3 mm tall. Rhizoids smooth, brown, abundant at stem base. Leaves spreading when moist, incurved when dry, ovate to lingulate, occasionally spathulate, 0.57–1.2 mm long, 0.25–0.5 mm wide, upper leaves usually smaller; apex obtuse and apiculate; costa excurrent, forming a small mucro; margin denticulate near apex, plane, bordered almost to apex by 2–4 rows of elongate bistratose thick-walled cells to 70 μm long and 5 μm wide, with scattered papillae. Laminal cells in apical half ±quadrate, isodiametric, 11–16 μm wide, pluripapillose; basal cells quadrate to rectangular, 22–38 μm long, 16–22 μm wide, hyaline, forming a clearly demarcated zone extending c. 1/4–1/2 leaf length from margin to costa or with chlorophyllose cells toward basal margin. Sporophytes unknown in Australia. Seta and capsule 2–3 mm long.
VRiv, GipP, Gold. Recorded in Victoria from near Portland, Pyramid Hill, the Loddon River near Serpentine, Native Dog Flat in the east of the state, and from anthropogenic habitats in the Melbourne Metropolitan Area. Also SA and NSW. California, Mexico and Europe.