Spreading to ascending perennial herb, to c. 50 cm high; stems densely pubescent with ± appressed medifixed hairs. Leaves 3–9 cm long; leaflets 5–11, broad linear-elliptic to broad obcuneate or obcordate, lateral leaflets 9–12(–20) mm long, mostly 2–4 mm wide, apices acute to emarginate and mucronate, both surfaces densely pubescent; stipules 3-lobed, to 15 mm long, often broader than long. Racemes mostly 5–20-flowered; flowers (7–)10–15 mm long; calyx pubescent, teeth shorter than tube; petals orange-red, sometimes brown, less commonly yellow or purple; standard 9–14 mm long, 10–15 mm wide, broadly ovate to orbicular, clawed; keel 8–14 mm long, semicircular, apex obtuse, often curved upwards, usually twisted laterally; style tip stiff, incurved. Pod narrow-obovate or somewhat fusiform. 10–30 mm long, 3–5 mm wide, inflated, pubescent, stipe to c. 1 mm long; seeds to c. 20, cordate, c. 2 mm long, mottled brown. Flowers mainly Sep.–Nov.
MuM, MuF. Also SA, Qld, NSW. Very rare in Victoria, known only from Barmah Forest and Lake Tyrell. Usually found on sandy rises and clay flats.