Plants minute, 1–1.5 mm tall, reddish gold, triquetrous when viewed from above. Leaves elliptic, concave, recurved, carinate; apex acute; costa excurrent,recurved; margin serrate, often with paired blunt teeth, reflexed near apex; laminal cells in apical half ±hexagonal, 12–16 μm wide; basal cells short-rectangular. Capsule inclined, globose, with a short blunt apiculus. Spores spherical, finely papillose, c. 30 μm diam.
MuM, Wim, MSB, RobP. In the north-west on bare open soil in woodland, beside salt lakes and waterways, roadsides and other anthropogenic habitats. Also WA, NT, SA, QLD and NSW. Europe, west Asia and northern Africa.