Galium verum
L. Lady's BedstrawErect or ascending stoloniferous perennial; stems coarse,to 120 cm long, with abundant weak tangled hairs 0.1–0.3 mm long, becoming glabrescent with age. Leaves and stipules sessile, c. equal, mostly in whorls of 6 or 8, narrow-linear, 10–20 mm long, 0.4–1 mm wide, narrowly acute with a minute hyaline extension and a smaller terminal hair, upper surface with scattered minute antrorse prickles, lower surface glabrous except for pubescent midrib sides; margins revolute to midrib. Inflorescences paniculate, many-flowered; pedicels c. 1 mm long. Corolla 3–4 mm diam., golden-yellow. Fruit globose, 1–1.2 mm long; mericarps broad-ellipsoid, touching one another, maturing black, smooth, glabrous. Flowers summer.
Also Tas (sparingly established). Native to northern Africa, Asia, and Europe. Collected once in Victoria in 1948 from Kongwak, South Gippsland.