Amphibolis antarctica
(Labill.) Sond. & Asch. ex Asch.Leaves (6–)8–10 per cluster at the ends of branches; sheath often slightly wider than lamina, overlapping only at base; ligule c. 1 mm long; auricle c. 2 mm long; lamina 18–30(–50)mm long, (2–)3.5–6(–10) mm wide, flat, with apex obtuse, truncate to concave. Male flowers with 2 or 3 branched appendages on apex of anthers. Female flowers with bract up to 8 mm long; stigmas 3, sometimes further divided; pericarpic lobes with an outer whorl of 2 broad and 2 narrow lobes, and an inner whorl of 4 (or more) smaller and narrower lobes which are divided apically. Pericarpic skeleton 8–10 mm long.
GleP, VVP, GipP, OtP, WaP, WPro, OtR. Occurs in shallow seawater (to depths of c. 20 m), in sandy mud, rock pools or as patches on flat rock when influenced by moderate to strong water movements.