Autoicous or possibly paroicous. Plants c. 2 mm tall, green and gold. Leaves erect imbricate, broadly ovate, concave to cymbiform, sometimes slightly keeled near apex; apex obtuse; costa excurrent in mucro to 300 μm long; margin widely revolute from below midleaf almost to apex; laminal cells in apical half hexagonal, pentagonal or almost rectangular, 30–40 μm long, 15–20 μm wide, 20–25 μm long in extreme apex, some smooth, some papillose with 1–2 papillae; basal laminal cells rectangular, 60–120 μm long, 25–30 μm wide, narrower toward margin, smooth. Seta c. 300 μm long. Capsule erect or inclined, globose with a small apiculus, to 850 μm diam., straight.
MuM, Gold. On clay soil in woodland or on roadsides or beside salt lakes in the Wimmera and Riverina of northwest Victoria. Also SA.